Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday starrer Pati Patni Aur Woh's trailer has received its fair share of mixed reactions. Some have liked it whereas some found the marital rape dialogue too insensitive and immediately called out the actors and makers on it. The actors and makers went ahead to apologise for hurting the sentiments and revealed that they have removed the bit from the film.
When the trailer came out, Kartik Aaryan's character Chintu Tyagi was seen ranting about his sex deprived life to his friend played by Aparshakti Khurrana. Kartik is saying, “Biwi se sex maang lein toh hum bikhaari. Biwi ko sex na de toh hum atyachaari. Aur kisi tarah jugaad laga ke usse sex haasil kar lena toh balaatkari bhi hum hai. (If we ask our wives for sex then we’re called beggars, if we deny them sex then we’re called torturers, and if we coerce them into having sex with us, we’re called rapists).”
Asked about the controversy, Kartik Aaryan said they removed it immediately after the backlash. He said, "When the trailer came, we realised that we shouldn't hurt anyone and should remove it immediately. Usually, this doesn't happen in films. We took responsibility because it might have come across as something that wasn't our intention. We realized we shouldn't use that word (rape) at all so we have rectified it and made changes because we don't want to hurt people's sentiments."
"We didn't realize it when we were doing it. We had shown it to a lot of people, but no one had pointed it out. We didn't want to hurt anyone's sentiments. This isn't the topic of our film nor was this our intention," he added.
ALSO READ: Pati Patni Aur Woh: Mudassar Aziz clears the air on the controversial marital rape dialogue in Kartik Aaryan starrer
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