Ali Abbas Zafar recently announced the film Mr. India and said that he has been working on this dream project silently for quite some time. However, this news has left the director Shekhar Kapur and Sonam Kapoor miffed. When the sequel to the film was announced, Shekhar Kapur who directed the original starring Anil Kapoor, Sridevi, and Amrish Puri, called him out on Twitter.
Shekhar Kapur in his subsequent tweets wrote about directors and their creative rights. In a tweet, he wrote, "We sit with writers from day one, but are not the writer. Help actors hone performances but are not actors. Develop and create a visual language of film. Slave hours over editing consoles. Directors lead and inspire every aspect of a film and have no creative rights? #MrIndia".
We sit with writers from day one, but are not the writer. Help actors hone performances but are not actors. Develop and create visual language of film. Slave hours over editing consoles. Directors lead and inspire every aspect of a film and have no creative rights? #MrIndia
— Shekhar Kapur (@shekharkapur) February 22, 2020
Now, replying to Shekhar, filmmaker Hansal Mehta has also taken to the microblogging site to write, "Absolutely. Directors are held responsible for budget overruns. If a film's eventual success or failure is tied to a director why does s/he have no ownership of the film?"
Absolutely. Directors are held responsible for budget overruns. If a film's eventual success or failure is tied to a director why does s/he have no ownership on the film?
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) February 25, 2020
Shekhar Kapur had earlier claimed that the makers were only using the name to get a big opening at the weekend and also mentioned that they cannot make the film without the permission of the original’s makers. In one of his recent tweet, he had even hinted at taking legal action against the makers of the remake. After Shekhar Kapur, even Sonam Kapoor Ahuja took to her Twitter to address the lack of approval from the makers.
Also Read: Split Wide Open! Boney Kapoor and Anil Kapoor are not on same page for Mr. India
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