Manoj Bajpayee starrer Aligarh was quite a hard-hitting film and its writer, Apurva Asrani has won the hearts of a lot of people with his recent tweet. Apurva Asrani has shared that he has officially moved in with his partner, Siddhant, after covering up as cousins for the last 13 years. India, as a country, is not very open to the idea of LGBTQ couples. The court has however made LGBTQ a non-criminal activity under Section 377 of Indian Penal Code.
Apurva’s tweet surely was lauded by a lot of people. He tweeted, “For 13 years we pretended to be cousins so we could rent a home together. We were told 'keep curtains drawn so neighbors don't know 'what' you are'. We recently bought our own home. Now we voluntarily tell neighbors we are partners ????. It's time LGBTQ families are normalised too.”
Take a look at his tweet.
For 13 years we pretended to be cousins so we could rent a home together. We were told 'keep curtains drawn so neighbors don't know 'what' you are'. We recently bought our own home. Now we voluntarily tell neighbors we are partners ????. It's time LGBTQ families are normalised too.
— Apurva (@Apurvasrani) May 29, 2020
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