Filmmaker Aanand L Rai’s film Atrangi Re has resumed production. The film, which stars Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan in the leading roles, will have Akshay Kumar in a special role. As the shooting had commenced in Lucknow, it had come to a halt amid the lockdown. As the makers are gearing up for the film, Dhanush has confirmed that he and music maestro AR Rahman have sung for the film.
Sharing a caricature-like selfie from the recording booth, Dhanush captioned it, “Had a blast singing and chatting with our very own Isai puyal @arrahman sir. #atrangire @aanandlrai @saraalikhan95.”
Atrangi Re is directed by Aanand L Rai, written by National Award Winner Himanshu Sharma, starring Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan with Akshay Kumar. Presented by T Series, Colour Yellow Productions & Cape Of Good Films, the film is set for 2021 release.
ALSO READ: Dhanush reunites with his one love on the sets of Atrangi Re after months
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