Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar has accused Karan Johar of twisting a title he had come up with four years ago for an upcoming reality series. Bhandarkar, in a tweet, urged Johar who is producing the show to change the title.
In 2016, filmmaker Madhur Bhandakrar who has made films like Heroine and Fashion had announced a film titled Bollywood Wives. Meanwhile, a week ago, Netflix India released the trailer of the reality series titled Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives which is being produced by Karan Johar.
On Friday, Bhandarkar took to his Twitter handle and said that he had already refused to give away the title. "Dear @karanjohar U & @apoorvamehta18 had asked me 4 the title #BollywoodWives for web, which I refused, as my project is underway. It is Morally & ethically wrong u to tweak it to #TheFabulousLivesofBollywoodWives. Pls do not dent my project. I humbly request u to change the title," Bhandarkar tweeted.
Dear @karanjohar U & @apoorvamehta18 had asked me 4 the title #BollywoodWives for web,which I refused,as my project is underway. It is Morally & ethically wrong u to tweak it to #TheFabulousLivesofBollywoodWives. Pls do not dent my project. I humbly request u to change the title.
— Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) November 20, 2020
Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives takes you through the lives of star wives such as Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari, Seema Khan and Bhavana Pandey. It is backed by Johar's Dharmatic Entertainment, the digital arm of Dharma Productions.
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