Actor Kajal Aggarwal is all set to welcome her first baby with husband Gautam Kitchlu. Over the past couple of months, it was speculated that the actress is pregnant, however, Kajal neither denied nor confirmed it. Now, on the occasion of New Year's, Gautam confirmed the happy news.
On New Year's day, Gautam Kitchlu took to his Instagram feed to share a glowing picture of Kajal and wrote, "Here’s looking at you 2022" along with a pregnant woman emoji. Soon enough, congratulatory messages poured in for the couple.
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On the last day of the year, Kajal had shared a picture with Gautam where she was seen flaunting her tiny baby bump. In the picture, both were decked up and made for a stunning couple. Sharing the picture, Kajal wrote, "So, I close my eyes to old ends. Open my eyes to new beginnings! Happy new year fam ❤️ Immensely grateful for 2021 Look forward to entering 22 with wisdom, kindness, and love in our hearts :)"
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Kajal and Gautam got married in October 2020 in Mumbai. Their grand wedding was attended only by family and close friends owing to COVID-19 restrictions.
ALSO READ: Kajal Aggarwal serves a jaw dropping look in a bright red saree
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